A fairly typical group of adventurers, at home in any fantasy RPG.
The female rogue will be familiar to older White Dwarf readers as Griselda (famous throughout Pavis).
She is an old Citadel miniature from the White Dwarf Personalities boxed set.
The jolly friar is one of an old Grenadier set of monks.

I love this banshee figure and use her whenever I can. She has stood in for nearly every spiritual undead that I have
used, and is a also a regular feature of my Warhammer Vampire army.

Slightly foppish, but he is a fairly stereotypical D&D-style bard. He has also filled in as a rogue, noble and (memorably)
a woman disguised as a man.
I think this guy is either Ral Partha or Grenadier, but I honestly can't remember. After saying that, he is probably
Metal Magic.

This sorry-looking guy is difficult to use as anything except a beggar. He has seen action in WHFRP, but also as a beggar
contact in other games.

Possibly not too useful as a typical cleric, this guy makes a good NPC bishop or high priest.

Heavy cannon are not really part of most RPGs, and as Saduria has no gunpowder, this model is not too useful even there.
However, I do like it!

Comments as above. Maybe a scenario could include a cannon, but it would be rare for it make an appearance in any of
my RPGs.

He is a figure of a Celtic-esque god, Conann of the Horse's Head, but makes a good chaos monster or slightly unusual

A one-off figure I painted up to be the clay golem maidservant in one of my Saduria scenarios ("Nexus").

Every town has guild leaders, mayors and so on, who either hire the PCs or act against them.